Monday, July 18, 2011

Did i do the right thing??How can i just move on and stop and being depressed and hurt?

was with my boyfriend for only 3 months but we really fell in love fast, he took me to the nicest places on dates, always bought me flowers, and even talked about having a baby together some day, (Im divorced and have 2 children) He would talk about me and my boys moving in with him and being a family.Just this weekend I was at his house and I was looking for a notebook to write some stuff down, and i noticed he had a list of stuff.. (I later learned it was his AA journal) the list said MY FEARS and 3rd on the list he had written i fear of being gay, and he wrote how he would always wanna be around the guys all the girls liked, and at the end he wrote so what if i am..I told him i read it and confronted him and he freaked out saying when he wrote gay he meant weak, i totally think thats a lie! and i broke up with him, ive ignored all his calls n txts and its killing me!! i need to snap out of this depression,any ideas PLEASE HLP!

How soon do I go see an OBGYN?

Just make an appointment with an ob. The first time they will give you a preggo test just to confirm then give you a vaginal sonogram and give you pictures of the baby which will be the size of a gummy bear lol and check height and weight and probably vitals.

I'm giving up on my life?

I'm 16, I've been in hospital since February. I've been diagnosed with serious depression, and major anxiety. Pretty much my mind tells me EVERYONE hates me, or talks behind my back, even my friends, people i don't know, everyone. It's horrible. To feel like people hate you. I think people hate me because i'm not manly enough or I'm not perfect in their eyes. I'm constantly focusing on my appearance and body image (I'm a guy). And I have to check the mirror EVERY 10 MINUTES and it makes me feel ****. I can't change the way my mind thinks. It's been a massive build up of depression and anxiety for about 4 years and I only told people in February. But it's been going on to long, nothing is working, no medication is working either, nothing. I go on Y!A and talk about this, and I get people saying "toughen up loser, you have a good life, your lucky" and "you should commit suicide, jesus would hate you because you give up so easily" I'm christian btw. Why, even when I ask for help, I get dIck heads saying that to me? why? So what do I do now? it's horrible, feeling like this. Thinking my friends hate me , thinking the public and family hates me. It's ****. Bad. They said I get at least 1,000 thoughts in an hour, 90% of them on negative things. So what do I do? I'm thinking suicide is the best option. If anyone is going to say I should toughen up or say some damn rude thing like you're weak or an idiot, say it. I will commit suicide. Just say it, one person and I will do it. I'm serious.

Why is Syria's Assad such a vicious butcher of his own people?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will you read my poem, s' il vous plait?

I love this. The story telling and sad nature yet they danced, it is what life is tragic for so many but to dance is to turn the tragedy into a beautiful melody. I want some of the Rakee!

POLL: describe your favorite people on Y!A?

For me: Beginner troll is the best (possibly the only, besides me) Palestinian troll in the world. jack sparrow Omar is obviously in love with Winona Ryder he talks alot about being naked which kinda freaks. Me out. Edward and Sirius are hilarious . Cassie is always negative. Rami and Lila are too Arab. Lesh lesh is a f@g but still awesome, ZZZZtroll is epic! The chair wizard is Australian lol Justin Bieber is a. Terrorist, that name speaks for itself

I need a poem translated into French without using Google. A native French speaker preferably. Merci.?

Bois du vin . C'est la vie �ternelle . Tout ce que te donnera la jeunesse c'est ceci . C'est la saison du vin, des roses, et des amis enivr�s . Sois heureux de ce moment . Ce moment est ta vie .

How to loose weight without my parents knowing?

Okay so I am 13, 5'1 and 95 pounds. The past year has been horrible for me. I went through depression, I'm still recovering. My parents have no clue, they barely know me. If it werent for my best friend i probably wouldnt be alive right now. I'm super self conscious and I hate myself. This summer I decided to loose 10 pounds or so. I'm not stupid, I'm not going to starve myself. I'd loose it through healthy eating and excercise(sp) I've done my research. Well I had a piece of paper with goals for myself for the summer, like get softer skim, get a clear complexion, etc.. Well I also had wrote loose 10 pounds, but no details or anything. I put the paper in my pillowcase. Well for some reason my mom decided to change my pillowcase. She found the paper. She told me I'm perfectly fine. IM NOT. It's just making me more depressed thinking how am I supposed to get healthy and a nice body now.. How can I still loose the weight without her noticing?

Does Ward even own a passport in case the final against Froch is outside the US?

I think it's unfair for him to fight exclusively in his own "home town" so to speak. How about Webley Stadium, say August.

What services are available in Denver, Colorado to help ex-offenders with employment, and reintegration?

I'm looking for a good referral resource in Denver for newly released former offenders to help them get training, find jobs, and reenter the workforce. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've blocked out my childhood?

When I try to think about it I don't really remember much about my childhood. I didn't have a great childhood. I think I had depression. My sister also told me she was terrified of me when I was a kid. She said I used to chase her with a hammer and I threw a pair of scissors at her and I chased her with a knife once. I don't remember it that well though. I don't get why I would have blocked out my childhood. It's all kind of a blur..

Why does this happen to me?

I agree with you about jobs, money, and other things not having intrinsic meaning. But I don't feel others are the only way to find meaning. You cannot love and connect to others if you cannot do the same to yourself. Read Alan Watts.

Well, i just quit smoking cigarrettes 6 days ago now, smoked 4 years, any ex-smokers got advice?

i actually quit b/c i'm 22 yrs old and it's a good time, i smoked from my freshman year in college till i quit. I am surprised at how easy it is considering i used to be a pack a day smoker. I put my mind completely into it and everything is going great, cravings are easy to fight off. I also quit because i'm going to get a biopsy on a bump on the back side of my tongue. got a referral to an ent for it, i'm not too worried b/c the gp said it's good b/c it's the same color as my tongue. I've had a nasty throat infection for the past 25 days or so and that's how i found it, which is potentially good. I'm just kind of waiting patiently for my mind to be at ease. what it is is what it is, even if it's a bad prognosis i'm not going to let it ruin my mentality i have now. i've been through a lot in my life medically speaking i guess you could say. i'm a fighter and i have reached a serene clarity in my mind. as stated in question before my rant, any advice from ex-smokers that helped them stay smoke-free? :)

I'm fine with this, but why do referals take priority over regular job applicants?

Basically, and here is the honest answer, employers are lazy, they want a quick fix, they think just because they know someone, or one of their better employees know someone, that that person will be just as good, however, I see a lot of referrals going south quickly, especially when it comes to family and friends, people who get referred to a company often get this idea that they know someone who got them a job, and they won't have to try as hard, since they didn't have to go through the normal hiring process, which can lead to lazy employees, I've seen this happen more than anything good from referrals, just saying..

Did bin laden admit responsibility for the 9/11 attacks immediately in 2001, or did he deny it until 2004?

Immediately after the attacks, Al-Qaeda denied being responsible and said that some internal american terrorist group had done it. However, before the end of 2001, they officially claimed responsibility.

Why do I have Schizophrenia?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 14, im 15 now,I have been sexually abused when i was a child, but thats not the reason is it? I have bad and good hallutionations. I have a deep depression too, and I dont know why. Please tall me why! I have this voice in my head that hates everyone I love and tells me too kill them.

I'm afraid to tell my doctor the truth?

So I've been seeing this doctor for about 6 months now.. He put me on zoloft and it was working for a while. But then it just like stopped working. Completely. I feel the exact same way I did before I started meds. But I keep telling him it's working even though it isn't.. Don't ask why because I don't know.. :/ I feel terrible for lying to him about this. But I'm afraid to tell him the truth, that it isn't working anymore :/ I still have feelings of depression and I always want to kill myself.. I was taking it for anxiety and depression. The anxiety is almost all the way gone, but the depression is still all here.. Should I be afraid to tell him the truth? Idk why I am to be honest.. But how should I tell him? Will he be confused when I tell him it just stopped working? Or is that normal that maeds just stop working like that? Please help. My doctors appt. is soon and I'm freaking out.

Right eye keeps going wonky?

anything odd like this and the doctor will refer you. I've been to a neurologist a couple of times because the optician wasn't happy with something to do with my eyes. Wasnt' anything really wrong - they are just very cautious. Could be if you are spendign a long time on the computer its eye strain combined with a muscle weakness in one eye. You can get odd results liek this if you get a lot of migraines. All you can do is wait for the appt. really - your doctor is being careful which is good.

Good spanish music. Like pop but kinda dance music too? I already listen to daddy yankee, J-alvarez, and don o?

Good spanish music. Like pop but kinda dance music too? I already listen to daddy yankee, J-alvarez, and don omar. Im not spanish though, i like the beats

Do I have depression or is it just hormones?

I feel the EXACT same way... I havent gotten mine either and im scared... I havent done anything but i have almost cut. I cry and I feel better after so I think it mite b hormones but idk... :( I hope it gets better for both of us

Corrective surgery for nipples?

I'm 18 and am having breast reduction surgery, but haven't gone for a consultation since I was 15. My referral was sent and I'm just waiting for the call for a new consultation. The entire cost will be covered, but I also want corrective surgery because I have inverted nipples. I know that about 10% of women have them, and mine aren't severe, but I am very self-conscious about them and am afraid that it will be difficult to breast feed when I eventually have children. How much would it cost?

I was watching a comedy special called "Legally Brown" and there was an Egyptian?

the other guys were mexican and they were brown, but this one guy omar was egyptian. he was really white and he looked like he could be italian or something. why was he on that? it was a showtime special

I really need help over coming depression.?

Nothing is going right for me. Im a good person. I was in love, still am, and the guy just ended our relationship today. He's a great guy. He still wants to be close friends. I'm just in so much emotional and physical pain. I want to commit suicide but I know it'd hurt my loved ones. I can't quit crying. I'm so depressed. I need help. He was the only person who made me genuinely happy. I love him so so much.

Depressed. PLEASE help?

I'm 14 years old. I have a great life from the outside: fun parents, nice bf, lots of friends, I seem nice and happy, I could do whatever I wanted with my life! The truth: my parents don't understand me most of the time, I don't like my bf anymore but I would feel bad if I broke up w/him, my "friends" are people that know me- I only have like maybe 5 real friends, I'm really depressed and confused, I don't have any idea what I want to do and I have no real successful hobbies or talents. Sometimes I feel so sad that I want to not be on Earth anymore... But I don't want to kill myself or put anyone else in pain! I'm going into highschool next year and I don't want to. I want to lay in bed for the rest of my life and do nothing... I talk to my mom and it just makes her upset. She suggested therapy but I don't want to talk to a complete stranger! The few friends I have feel bad for me but don't know how to help so they often change the topic from depression or me being sad. I always help people with their problems and I'm known for being all perfect but I hate myself... Any advice?

No pet policies at privately owned apartments?

I have a good friend who is going thought a tough time. He has been going to a psychologist for the pass 4 months now for some issues(would prefer not putting them down). About two months in to his sessions he was giving a dog. Very quickly he has been recovering more from his issues, sadly he leaves in an no pet apartment. Landloard quickly discovered his dog and is now telling him to get rid of this dog. Is there anything Law wise that could be used to help him keep his dog, maybe some kind of medical referral? I'm very affrad if he loses his dog he would do something very drastic or fall in to a deep depression.

I got sick and now my inlaws don't want to talk to me, would u be upset?

About 5 years ago I fell off of a cliff and broke my ankle, tore ligaments in my knees and tore a disc in my spine which collapsed and caused a bulging disc as well. What followed was about 2 1/2 to 3 years of pill abuse (lortabs/percocet). I stopped that about 2 years ago with 1 minor slip. Over the past few months my health had been in question. I was losing weight, had lots of anxiety, couldn't put the weight back on, depression, etc. I thought a lot of it was emotional issues I needed to work thru so I started talking to my family and inlaws and decided to go to a therapist. My female inlaws decided to write me off as a drug addict and keep their distance. As of just this past week I found out I have a potentially life threatening health issue which has actually caused all of these side effects I have been going through. I even took a voluntary drug test just to clear the air. I still haven't even heard from them and these are people I have been there for in the past. I'm being told not to even think about that right now but it is VERY difficult. Would you be upset if you were in mg shoes? How do you think you would handle it?

They say the music you listen to says a lot about the person.. what if you literally listen to a variety?

Wow your just like me but I also like Country, Tejano ( The Really old Tejano & New), Rap and songs in other languages besides Spanish and English. I listen to Old Songs and Im Always updated on the New Music its cool found another Music Addict like me lol

Safe Food Debate Question?

in western countries they already get large subsidies by govt but in developing nations like india govt fix msp minimum support price for each crop and farmer is free to sell at its own will

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do I ask my friend to let me stay with her until I can find work?

Wow u have a lot on ur plate:/ well if I were u I would ask my friend if I could move in tell her ur story and how if she let's u move u u promise to find a good job and will help her when ever she needs it. Even if that means doing chores and stuff. Hopefully she will be understanding and let u stay with her. But remember if she does let u move in u have to take care of ur responsibilities also if she helps u out that's how u know she is a good friend and a friend for life. I wish u the best of luck and hope everything works out for u!:)

Is it weird that I miss my sub teacher so much?

When I was i 6th grade there was a sub I had cuz my teacher had a baby and she was really understanding of my health problems and we would talk a lot. she also helped me when other students where picking on me (most everyone in my school hates me). She was the only teacher that really did anything. So one night at Conference she gave me her email but I remember crying a lot because she was leave after all of the things she did for me and before she was even there I was dealing with depression. I also remember the day that she left too! I was crying a lot and there I went right back in depression and I didn't want to be on medicine because that never worked before so it keep coming back and the good memories keep coming back I cry myself at night sometimes and I have not emailed her in almost a year now but I still feel empty. I cut to but I don't think that, that's part of this I think that because of how I get treated at school and I am going into 8th grade! So it it weird or am i exaggerating?

Tennis Section rankings?

8..that's not too shabby. If I were on the ATP, that would make me Jurgen Melzer (who I adore) and if I were on the WTA, that would make me Maria Sharapova. Congratulations OIN..but I will try my hardest to be at the top of this list, at the end of the year! :)

Why am I so tired and frustrated?

I have been feeling so tired like notthing I felt before I cannot get up in the morning and during the day am falling asleep everywhere I go through some serious coffee and I am not a coffee person. I have also been having alot of anxiety. I though at first it might be my body finally relaxing from graduating college but its been a month from that now and I dont see that normal. I have gone to the doctor and he send a full physical of labs done on me but everything came back normal. I dont know what it can be dont know if it might be depression or what I need some help because I feel like I would be on drugs its so bad.

Have you had depression in the past?

I think they still have me on it. I have lived in a nursing home since being beaten in a robbery three years ago. I have lost everything and cannot even see my oldest daughter as she lives too far away and the nursing homes there will not take a transfer of someone who is on medicare and medicaid.

Republicans, do you agree with the WIC program? Why or why not?

As a Libertarian Republican I oppose it but am willing to turn my head and make it the very lowest priority to end-and if it can be kept at state or local level it can stay if the state or local community wants it. I expect that the state can have such programs ONLY if they are not abused. Children need help from the state. I know grocery cashiers and people attempt to buy everything with WIC funds: cigarettes, lottery tickets, you name it. If these people need WIC so badly they would be buying milk and juice and not even thinking about beer. I would like to see someone caught buying cigarettes or beer even separate from WIC at the same time kicked off the program.

Does our dog have arthritis, torn ACLs, or neither?

I have a twelve year old Shepard/Husky mix. She is my boyfriends "childhood" dog and we took her from his mother about four months ago when his mother moved. For the past two months Kia (the dog) is having trouble walking. If she goes on any hard floor such as wooden or tile she loses her footing and does the splits with her hind legs or falls over while frantically trying to get up. I believe this is painful for her beceause when I try to help her up she either yelps or looks back like she is going to snap at me. She also crosses her legs when she walks sometimes and appears to be pigeon footed in her hind legs. When she pees she almost always sits in it from doing the splits while peeing or pooping. I have been looking for what this could be but cant find anything that matches her symptoms. I am looking for what this could possibly be because our regular vet doesnt have an x-ray machine. So, if I should go to our vet and get a referral first or just go to a vet with an x-ray machine first. does anybody have an idea what might be wrong with her?

What are the positions in track?

First off, to clarify they aren't called positions. They are all different events, so the results from shot put are separate from the results from pole vault, and so on. I don't know if you're in the USA or Canada, wherever you are has slightly different events (like for example, USA has the mile run and Canada has the 1500m run). But if you're really fast, I would say go out for sprints and hurdles. Maybe you can also try long/triple jump and high jump. Just see what you're best at.

Would anyone like a Gamefly Referral?

Just thought I'd check if anyone out there needed a Gamefly referral, I just signed up myself, and its pretty nifty--If i do say so myself. If you sign up using my link: a href="" rel="nofollow" then you'll receive 1 Month free of Gamefly service. Of course you'd be helping me, a poor college student :(, out as well. So just ask yourself this: "What would Jesus do!?" Just sayin, Help a fella out! Here's the link again a href="" rel="nofollow" THANKS INTERNET WORLD

Problems with anxiety and depression?

ok so i am a 21 year old male with some serious anxiety and depression issues. the depression has been going on for about one year and im starting to feel like im just a body, no purpose of being here. ive been drinking heavily and been having suicidal thoughts. although i know i would never kill myself these kind of sick thoughts are making me feel like im losing my mind. i dont know what to do. i do NOT have medical insurance so its very costly for me to go to the doctor. is there anything i can do to try and heal natuarlly like a hobby or something? i could really use some help thanks guys.

Ex? Friends making fun of me now?

tell her to leave you alone and have a bunch of friends that you trust to have your back right next to you so then she cant do anything

My clitoral hood has been swollen for over a month. What is this and what can I do?

I think what you have is Vulvodynia. In layman's terms, it's "pussy pain." I've written an article about this condition after I heard the podcast from Dr. Kat. She's a clinical sexologist. There are ways to cure it, but they were discussing very briefly about the last option which is the surgery. The link in the source.

How do I stop depression?

I think I'm on the verge of depression and I want to talk to a counsellor but the school year is over. So that's why I decided to ask here. If I tell my parents they won't listen. The little things tend to bother me. I have low self-esteem. I think I'm fat and ugly and no one likes me. If I were to disappear, no one would care. That's the mindset I have. And I know it's wrong but sometimes I can't help but think that way. I haven't been brought up in the best way so I'm not always the happiest person around. Finally, I sometimes think about death and how the quickest and painless way would be. I don't know what to do. How do I battle these depressing thoughts? Anyone know anything about em and i need to know if they are a clean site?

This little interesting website that i couldn't actually find any info on. And i gotta know what this site is cuz it showed up now submitted to one of my autosurf sites and i aint throwing anything into rotation thats iffy like this. The actual homepage in googles results gives you no outside cached pages, theres no warning from my avg link scanner, you goto the site, its empty, but i got referral pages from this site like it was a sign up. I thought REALLY new site. But no its not that and blank pages that dont look like they do any harm and it loads a long url when you use the link makes me nervous. It looked like one of those url shortners but i cant figure out what it is. Anyone know anything about this site, is it an actual url shortner from somewhere. Hate to see this guy not get his page in cuz theres no info on it.

RAMADAN: Is there any hand written by AbuBaker or Omar document available now?

You make it sound like a competition, which it is not, the only verbal or written document that matters from our Deen;s perspective is the Quran, preserved forever. The rest are just sect games and should be avoided. May God gives strength to all those trapped in different sects to break free.

Taboo's relation to the Lambada?

Ok so I have always loved Lambada and the song "Llorando se fue. And JLO <3 and Don Omars version. I heard that "Taboo" ( don omars song) had some relation to the Lambada by like people didn't like sexual touching s that's why it's called Taboo.. Idk that's why m asking for some one to clear it up because I did t quite understand. Thank u in advance :)

Do you really believe Bush jr was searching for Bin Laden?

Let's see... When asked he said he really didn't care anymore. He disbanded the special CIA unit that was collecting intel on bin Laden. Doesn't look like Bush was really into the guy.

Everything sucks, and I dont know what to do anymore, I seriously feel suicidal. Someone please help me.?

I'm 14 and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety about a month ago and was prescribe Paxil. I took it for about 2 weeks and started to feel like a zombie. I'm slowly weening off of it now, and now my depression is coming back.. Everything just sucks and everything around me just bothers me so much idk how to explain it... Everything is just so empty and dull and lifeless to me and I feel so detatched from the world. My intrusive thoughts torment me, and I really don't want to live like this anymore and have been thinking about suicide for about a month now... I don't know what to do anymore

Was this a bad idea? (short)?

I gave my friend my resume, and application to hand in to the place that she works at. Also a referral letter. She is going to give it to the person who does interviews and reads the applications. Was this a bad idea of me to do?

Should Bin Laden's son Omar be sent to Guantanamo? He claims the US "ASSASSINATED" his terrorist father?

Bin Laden's Son better shut the Fcuk up and better not try anything because he can meet the same fate as his Dad.

Can I tell my psychiatrist that I'm having?

violent thoughts. I'm Being treated for severe depression, PTSD and psychosis. My daughter is being bullied and I'm having thoughts of violence towards her bully, this is really bothering me :(

Why are some people closed minded when someone converts?

Not everyone is like you. When I say i don't like it when people say you will go to hell, its not me im worried about, its the children that are constantly fed this and the other people who are socially persecuted for not being in such a ridiculous thing.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

3 Miscarriages, Referral to Infertility Clinic?

I'm almost 28, I have had 3 Miscarriages all around 5 1/2 Weeks, within 9 Months. I already have a Son so still very confused as to what's changed and why....?? I had an Appointment with my Dr again today and got my Referral to the Infertility Clinic, I was just wondering what to expect at the appointment? What kind of test will get done? I Hate not knowing why this has happened and so confused, I don;t understand why I can become Pregnant fast enough but can't carry for more than a couple weeks. It's always on my mind and I just need to know why now so I really hope that this Clinic can help! Thanks for any advice on what to ask or what will happen, much appreciated.

Are there any single mothers of two children who could share stories of how they make things work?

I have a 6 year old and recently found out I am pregnant with my second. Me and the child's father are not getting along and I'm afraid I will have to go this alone. I considered abortion & adoption but couldn't bring myself to do either. I am a graduate student entering my last year of graduate school. If all goes well, my baby will be born 3 months prior to me completing school. I live in California (for resource referral purposes) and I am concerned about being able to devote time, energy & nurturing to both children. Anyone out there with experience in this area? I appreciate all comments...

Are 'independence' cards designed to provide the user w/ dignity or hide what would be endless bread lines?

of record number starving ppl,that would make pictures from the 'Great Depression" look like a small tea party by comparison?

RAMADAN: Is there any incident of bravery related to AbuBaker and Omar?

is there anything but cowardice in your and other Shiites slandering those who were promised Jannah by Rasulullah (saw) himself?

Music to impress my boyfriend?!?

So my boyfriend listens to like The Mars volta, omar rodriguez, Deltron 3030, De Facto, and STS9 and a bunch of bands like that, and for his birthday I want to get him some new music to listen to that he hasnt heard before so does anyone know real good bands that I could show him that he'd like?

What are battles Omar Nelson Bradley and Hitler fought against each other during WW2?

I have a world history project and need to know battles Bradley and Hitler fought against each in during ww2. Thanks.

What snowboard should i get?

ok so what happened was i was going to buy the burton white collection standard board but i hard horrible reviews about it SO... what im looking for is a light board, built for speed and jumps, i don't do rails as much as jump but i still hit them, and i don't want it to look stupid like this some people like that but i really hate it, i want something like this,default,pd.html?start=2&cgid=mens-boards&prefn1=filterCollection&prefv1=The%20White%20Collection and i need to keep this at a maximum price of about 325 dollars so if someone could help me please do.

Boyfriend and our 2 month old childs father is addicted to roxies? I need help! ?

OK... My boyfriend and I have been together for four years. We just recently had a precious son who is now 2 months old!! HE WONT QUIT! He is shooting up roxies? and has been for about a year now. I never realized his habit was so bad untill now. I have never done drugs so I dont know what its like but both my parents did for years ... who are both now clean! I just dont know what to do? I dont want to leave him ... But I know I have to do something for my sons sake. Hes like a broken record ... saying hes going to get clean, he cant take spending all his money on it, he wants to be here for his family ..... Blah blah blah. He went to rehab for about 5 days but then left. I just feel like were the only thing keeping him from not killing himself? I cant keep seeing him do this ... Putting his family second ... His son needs his dad ... I cant help him anymore ive done all I can .. And I realize he has to want to help himself ... I just dont know what to do at this point I cant take it and its not fair to our son. I am going to go into depression or something from all this. I dont want to leave I juat want him to wake up. Please help me!!!!!

How can I see a dermatologist without referral from my GP?

I can't answer as to the UK process, sorry. One option though is to take a digital photo and send it to the dermatologist with a note explaining your situation. If they agree to see you then the GP should refer you.

RAMADAN: Are these hadiths about AbuBaker and Omar?

No. But dont let that stop you from destroying your afterlife by insulting the closest friends and father in laws of the Prophet s.a.w. plz feel free to carry on

Supporting myself after college?

Sounds like you're going through some tough times, but smile because you've made such a huge accomplishment in getting your degree! When did you graduate and where are you living now? If you had good relationships with any of your professors, it would be wise to try and get a recommendation from them to either work on campus or somewhere similar where the costs are low and you can have time to get on your feet. Good luck!

Why should I be nice to anyone?

Please you need help everyone does in some point of life turn your self to jesus I promise you everything that your life will change

Has anyone noticed the Giants lineup is completely different from 2007, three years ago?

well now they are a great team now. thats why they are so good now. they have to trade around all the time like the Rays and Marlins and Nationals because they dont have money to throw around like the Yanks and Mets and Tigers and such. they Need to trade away there good players once they get expencive and get prospects and draft picks and get real good players that they dont have to pay much and then they can do well years down the road until they all get old again and then they start over again. many teams like the Marlins get a player like Hanley and build there team around him. the Rays player is Longoria. they set a good role for the team and players look up to them

What are some good new songs for summer 2011?

i am a teenager looking for some good NEW songs for summer 2011. Obviously would like them to be either of rap, pop, hip hop, techno.. you know, pumpy songs. I like nicki minaj, drake, chris brown, daddy yankee (i am Spanish so i love Latin songs.), rihanna, lil wayne, wiz, don omar, akon, inna, david guetta and lots more.

Muslims: Do you think Mullah Omar is dead?

Is long time I see any news on him from Al jazeera. I believe he is in hide but things can be very dangerous. Any Muslim know the site to find new update for him?

I'm afraid to take abilify?

okay so my doc prescribed me abilify for depression, anxiety, and ocd. so i decided read on the internet about it and abilify is pretty much used to treat bipolar and schizophrenia exclusively and can actually increase anxiety. also, it can cause permanent muscle twitching.. is it safe to take?

What do children with ADHD do after therapy?

The become adults with adhd and may need to continue treatment sometimes with the same doctor sometimes a referal it doesn't go away when they become adults but sometimes people learn to cope with it better and how to focus better

Bipolar, depression, or neither?

possibly! go get tested :) tell the dr. your concerns or go see a psychiatrist. they will be able to help

Someone please tell me what is going on?

It is not time for my period and for the past couple of weeks i have had cramps, horrible cramps like sometimes its hard to walk and awful abdominal and side and back pain. Last weekends i had some pink when wiping and called the doctor on call and he told me he thought i had something called diverticulitis and called me in an antibiotic and it hasn't helped at all... I'm getting really scared i feel run down and tired... I have a referral to an OBGYN and i really do not care about going to see him but I'm scared I could possibly have cancer or something it doesn't run in the family, like ovarian and cervical cancer but cancer does in fact run really heavy... I'm a 19 year old female and weigh about 185... someone please help me understand where this pain is coming from!! I have a history of having ovarian cyst also..

Why do Shias dislike Omar Ibn Al Khattab and Saladin, yet claim to be the "protectors of Jerusalem"?

I know personally a lot of Shias , but if you are talking about Shia governments they are more like the "Back-stabbers of Islam".

Need a dermatologist for hormonal skin problems and.... 10 pts?

I need a referral to see a dermatologist? I'm afraid I'll see my PCP and they will say you don't need one. But ever since I stopped birth control my skin is NOT the same and it is making me so depressed to the point where I can't even eat cuz my skin used to be the highlight of my appearance it was perfect. How can a dermatologist help me with hormonal causes of acne/ uneven skintone??? I never would have started BC pills if I had known this would happen cuz my skin was perfect before BC just not after.....

He drinks all the time and smokes alot, but I really like this guy like no other!?

plus I've never had a boyfriend and I've gotten to know a few guys but this one I;ve never not stopped thinking about him and i know we both like eachother and ive never felt this way before, I have the urge just to tell him about my day but we havent got that far yet because at the moment he has gotten so shy since he got to know me he doesnt speak much online and in person he cant relax (2 many signs to tell u) BUT he smokes alot and when he started knowing i liked him as he noticed me looking he tried quitting and the drinking well i guess that wont stop since he is depressed like me u see i play music and excercise while he to remove stress / sadness drinks and smokes i know thats bad but thats his choice, but i do want to keeep talking to him and liking him.. :S what should I do? He'll never stop drinking because of the depression which I could probably talk to him about as he already opened up to me about having a bad childhood like I did. But I think if he tried hard he could stop smoking and I would then love him to bits to be honest.. i tried getting used to smoke but i just cant it puts me off i hate it

Do you think I have a Lawsuit?

My Fiancée and I both went to a Verizon Wireless store to get Android phones and a contract. We set everything up and the women at the setting up everything for us kept telling us our bill would be around $160-$170 a month. So we took the phones home and we called Verizon couple times just to make sure that our bill would be that much, and the over the phone representatives told us that it would be a lot higher. So I went back to the store and asked the same woman a few days later, if I could return the phones, and she said yes you have 14 days to return the phones after starting the plan, and that we would only have to pay a $30 restocking fee, but then she asked why I wanted to return the phones, and I said it is too much money for me and my fiancé right now (the price Verizon was telling us over the phone.) So she said they don't know what they are talking about and that it should be what she said. So I said ok and I went home, on the 12th day I received the first bill which was for $380, and found out our bill for our plan which is 1400 minutes, two data plans, and unlimited text, would be about $280 a month. My fiancée and I went back to the store and on the 13th day and tried to return the phones. The same woman said you are too late, that it was past the 14 days, and when I started telling her she told me I had until the 14th day, she made up another excuse saying our phones were damaged when they weren’t at all, we never dropped them or anything, when we first got the phones she dropped one of them once. So if their was any marks, they were by the hands of her, and they gave us an extremely hard time and threaten to call security on us, to get us out of the store. After the painful night, we have been in communication with Verizon Wireless on the phone for almost a month, and they have not been able to help us at all and a few of the customer supports reps were rude to my fiancée who recently has a baby, emotionally depressed where she can't finish her college work or try and find a job right now I feel she could still have Postpartum depression that has been triggered by Verizon entrapment. Due to this whole situation which is hurting our family. Do we have lawsuit against Verizon Wireless? All we really want is to get out of their deceiving contract.

Should I get a dog for divorced/lonely parent?

I think getting a dog would help so much. It will give her something to do, and someone to communicate with. However, I would still visit her as much as possible. Considering that dogs are put down every year by not being adopted, I'd say it's a good reason, if not one of the best reasons.

How do I deal with my depression?

I'm 15 and I'm suffering from depression. A lot has happened to me in the past and I don't know why things suddenly changed. I started acting different after my parents separated but the was years ago. Last year I started cutting myself. My dad found out and I stopped for awhile. Others things happened that brought the depression back on and I cut myself again. My dad doesn't know about this last time. I've tried really hard to stop cutting for good but every time something bad happens my mind automatically think of it. I had a bad break up earlier this year and instead or cutting I took drugs and alcohol. I've stopped that as well. I use to not care what other people thought of me but now I do. I worry about my weight and watch what I eat. Sometimes I only eat one meal a day. I try not to let it bother me either and I've been trying to lose weight in a healthy way by watching what I eat. I've been really happy lately with by boyfriend and everything but recently my depression kicked in. I don't want to talk to anyone and I feel lifeless. I've thought of cutting but then I realize it won't do anything but give me another scar to look at. It's been months since I last cut and I don't want to start again. I don't want to hurt my body anymore so how do I overcome my depression in a healthy way?

Could I possibly have Borderline Personality Disorder?

My father passed away when I was 13 or 12 I can't remember he was a meth head and alcoholic and I found him he had a heart attack and was laying there my mom started just grinning and I started grinning then I couldn't find the phone and then my brothers friend let us use his cell phone and they revived him and took him to the E.R. I took money out of his wallet I don't know why I did that what the hell is wrong with me then the paramedic left his walky talky thing and said "sorry your father didn't make it" I was so depressed and praying I'm so sorry daddy for being mean to him before he died and I was also starting to get OCD and depression at a young age before he had cancer and I barricaded myself in my room my mom didn't care if I went to school when my father passed away she left me home alone all the time I was all alone she wouldn't answer the phone when I tryed to call her and talk to her I would trash her room egg her room and write "whore" on her door because I was so upset she left me all alone and was drunk all the time and gave me pot and booze all the time and my older brother then hit me when I told him to mind his business I kept yelling help at like age 14 out the window but they took ME to a foster home and didn't arrest him for hitting me and smacking my head into the wall I was gone for 6 months and I stayed with my aunt for a few months but she didn't even want me just because I took too long of showers I find it really hard now that I am 22 and I am gonna be 23 in October to hold relationships and friendships I grin and bear it I think everyone hates me and I am so angry my dad is gone and I wished death on him and that my mom let me do drugs and left me all alone I have a car and try so hard to have relationships but I get angry and think everyone is out to get me and that people are talking about me ever since I was younger too and I tryed to kill myself with pills a few weeks ago and I always been a cutter I don't know if I subconciously did it for attention I feel so screwed up I am prescribed Luvox 150mg but I don't take them and I can't afford my Zyprexa I am prescribed Klonopins 0.5mg but they seem to make me kind of "hype" I self medicate with alcohol but I don't drink everyday people seem to like me and I am a very nice person but I keep thinking about killing myself and shooting myself behind my garage all I do is worry and that God is going to punish me with a illness and I am going to die or someones going to kill me and I feel so empty and alone and no one understands me I try to keep it to myself I tell my new boyfriend about it but I am sure he is going to get annoyed by it eventually I don't know what to do anymore I have been to the psychward like 20 times through out my life then my mom would give me 20 sacks of pot when I would get out of the Children's Hospital Psychiatric Ward I don't smoke pot no more I take my Klonopins and I will take Valiums if possible and drink at partys I try to so hard to please everyone but I don't feel like I am doing it really for myself and my mom niece used to tell me I look like I have dyke features and I sometimes think I am really good looking then sometimes I think I am ugly and I am disgusted with myself and can't let my mistakes go and just learn from them I feel I am going to burn in hell or that I am in hell and I scare myself before I fall asleep in the REM state I think "I wonder if there is a heaven.." then I jerk out of my sleep and I am frightened and am scared of riots in 2012 what the hell is wrong with me!? I see a psychiatrist but I don't know I can't think when I am in the room with him HELP ME PLEASE THANK YOU I NEED ADVICE.

If you have a space between your teeth will I need braces?

I have a small gap between my two front teeth and the rest have some pushed together too much so can someone tell me if I need braces I swear it's easy points please help soon because I want to ask my dentist bc I'm going on June 25 th and I'm gonna ask for a referal for an orthodontist

Do you think bin Laden regrets not sticking with his initial denials that he had anything to do with 9/11?

I don't need to see articles,osama was watching tv that morning knowing what was coming,after the towers fell he said he was " pleasantly surprised"

On fifa 11, what are good moves to do with smaller players like Lionel Messi?

Im having a awfully tough time on fifa 11 under certain difficulties because I cant do any moves and I have to dribble the ball forward. This is especially hard on the smaller players like Omar Bravo and Lionel Messi who get the ball stolen from them every time. Any Suggestions?

Why do I have Schizophrenia?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 14, im 15 now,I have been sexually abused when i was a child, but thats not the reason is it? I have bad and good hallutionations. I have a deep depression too, and I dont know why. Please tall me why! I have this voice in my head that hates everyone I love and tells me too kill them.

Is this chain letter really true?!?

Ignore chain letters. They are a bunch of crap. Don't believe everything you see on the internet, and especially Facebook.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Exercise causing depression, how to find the right balance?

Whenever I work out I get depressed. I try to compensate by eating a little more since there seems to be a direct correlation to calorie consumption and depression, but it's really hard. I abstain from any drug use such as coffee or alcohol.

Does anyone have a good list of spanish music?

Artist like wisin y yandel chino y nacho don omar camila prince royce daddy yankee alex y fido reik sinbandera gocho?

Im in a VERY depressing mood how can i get over it?

Listen to happy music and dance around. Exercise releases a hormone into your brain that makes you happy. Try listening to the song open happiness, it's one of my favorites to listen to when I'm down:)

How can I offer customers to apply for a credit card? (TIPS)?

I work in a bank, and as part of my job referrals is part of it. And I receive "Invite customer to apply for credit card". I invite the customer to apply for a credit card and let them know about the benefits, but I need more ideas. I would like to offer them the invite in a more creative and assertive way. Thank you in advance for the tips!

Should I take my abilify?

My doc prescribed my abilify yesterday for anxiety and depression so I decided to look it up and found out its mainly used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar (I dont have either) and I read up on the side effects and im terrified of weight gain and the muscle twitching.

Just found out i have a brain tumor.?

I went to a crucial care after month of head pressure my vision blurring. My doctor kept saying it was sinusitis. A couple of days ago I went to a crucial care and got a CT scan. They told me that I have a right frontal 6mm meningioma or osteoma that is benign. I went back got a referral to a neurologist for next week. What should I do? What are the likely treatments I am 47 years old. Anybody has any experience of what I should do?

When, where, and how did rap change?

How come the 20' rap is so much different from the 90's rap? Why is the 90's rap different from the 80's and so on and so forth. How does it all change? Anyone in specific ever change it? Do you, maybe, have charts I can study? Is it true that the deaths of Tupac, Big L, B.I.G, and Big Pun ended the 90's rap? Which period of rap do you like? Why? Why did become West side vs East side? Why does it seem that its starting to become North East Rappers (NY, PA via Meek Mill, J. Cole, Jay Z etc) vs Down South (Lil Wayne, Kirko Bangz, etc) vs West Side (Omar Cruz) vs Central US (Kanye West, Common) I can go on but you get my point.

Do innocent people face too much of problems in life. Me And my whole family are a bunch of 'too innocent' or?

dumb people...we have faced a lot of hard situations...we dont have cunning minds...Infact I have a streak of madness in me too..i laught like a kid without any reaon or do stupid things and i feel it is normal but suddenly when someone insults me about it i hv no answer(we have absence of mind) and i fell into depression and feels low for days. Dont know what to do? things are going downhill wid us... what shud i do??? Suicide???

Pain Clinic Referral?

I am trying to put off having my scoliosis curvature of a 57 degrees corrected. It never bothered me until I was in two car wrecks last year (both were not my fault...I know Im lucky). As a result of the wrecks I have herniated disc up and down my spine that are putting lots of pressure on my spinal cord making me have migraines lots of discomfort extreme pain to the point to where It hurts to breathe sometimes. I want to research doctors and do my homework on this spinal fusing before I just up and do the surgery which I think is reasonable and respectable but I guess not enough for the greedy doctor I went to. I know Im only 24 but I need some type of pain management or something to alleviate this pain in the meantime (ive tried pilates swimming physical therapy and they are still on going efforts of mine I just don't think people understand how painful it is to do this stuff. I even had another doctor tell me with my huge hump that scoliosis doesn't hurt and to go home and lay down! What should I do? How could someone want to operate to alleviate pain and pressure but then turn around and tell you that your not in pain? If Im not then why would you do surgery? Im young not stupid...thanks for listening and I welcome any and all responses.

How long will CPS be on my case?

I recently had my 3 month old daughter removed from my home from CPS due to post partum depression and a meth relapse, I since then have passed every drug test, gotten a job, gone to all my appointments and reached the 4 week time limit CPS gave me as to when she can come home. She is staying with my aunt for now. They told me I have to go to the services theyre providing through referral which is Terros and Family Preservation, but the 4 week time limit came and went and they now say I have to wait another week or 2. I need to know how long this is going to continue and how long until my case is closed with them? Any ideas, advice, or similar stories to give me any help or hope?

Treatment for large cysts - surgery best option?

The best treatment I presume from your description is surgical removal of the growths. The cost can be assessed only after a clinical evaluation.

If you get fired from job, how long does it take you to forget?

whenever i got fired in past, i forgot it next minute and acted as if nothing happened and didn't waste one second feeling sorry or sad. However, I know people who go into severe depression, grief, and then require counseling. They just start falling apart and they feel as if they are loser and ashamed. Would you feel that way too if fired, or you wouldn't care like me?

Omar Bin Laden is he another nut job like his father?

He said that the killing of his father was illegal. Who cares? I hope they put another 200 bullets in him before dumping his smelly goat *** in the sea. I would have just burned him with gasoline and video taped the entire thing. Why are people so sensitive about everything? I know this man was no where near as the ever so ruthless leaders of our time. If someone kills here in the USA they go to trial and after a few appeals they are put to death in many states. This man killed at least 5,000 + around the world including in his own country. So people want appropriate justice?? I wouldn't waste time on him and neither did President Obama....good for him. And I agree if anyone has doubts about his tactics they should have their head examined. Thank you Mr. President for a job well done.

Will i bug my doctor if...?

It really depends on the HMO in particular and their turn around time for authorization. If the orthopedist is authorized to write referrals, it should take no longer than a day or two. If they have to go back to your primary care physician, it could take at least a week. Sometimes even after getting back to the PCP, the HMO may have it's own review process. If it's not there by Monday, I would give them a call, but I've waited up to two weeks for some of my patients to get referrals.

When is your birthday and do you know anyone w/ the same birthday?

Yes my birthday is the same day as President Obama. I have a niece who was born on the 5 and a nephew who was born on the 6 th.

I was sent to the vice principal for....?

Actually due to varying rates of development in the brain males do tend to show what is often considered immature behavior for a longer period of time than females. Many studies have been done on this. Now this information could have been presented better, but your teacher was kind of right. Sorry.

I need really really good advice, please :(?

I'm currently miserable and it's been this way for months. I used to be some-what happy, I loved myself and my friends, I used to go out and have fun and enjoy myself. About 9 months ago I started dating this guy and everything changed. We fell in love, yeah it was great at first. But now I feel trapped. I find myself SO dependent on him, which I thought was fine because he is also dependent on me. I only hang out with him, and he only hangs out with me.. We only see eachother. I used to be fine with this because I am so in love with him so why would I want to see anyone else...? It never used to bother me until recently. I find myself missing my friends who I rarely even talk to. When I talk to my friends, he gets upset and usually says "I thought all you needed was me." I'm so in love with him that when we fight or get upset, it like kills me. I go into a depression where I can't stop crying, I'm unable to think or focus, I have no appetite, I cant sleep and I have no energy at all. My world collapses until we make up and the fight is over. But while we aren't fighting, I find myself paranoid and scared to death for the next fight, that I will do anything to avoid them. This is why I don't talk to my friends, I can't even update my Facebook photo to a picture of JUST myself, because he gets mad and says things like "You like pictures of yourself better than pictures of us... you hate us. You just want attention." :\ Don't tell me to break up with him, because it's never happening. I wouldn't ever even consider it, so if that's what you're going to say, don't even bother. I feel like I need to talk to a therapist about this or something, because sometimes I just have no idea what to do. I stress out SO much over this relationship, but it's so worth it because I am HEAD OVER HEELS in love with him and I know for a fact he feels the same way about me. I just don't know what to do.

What do you think of my boobs? *pics*?

Haha. Yea right well no one is answering my question so I'm betting this did. My real question is how can I get into Harvard with steps please. Im going into 8th grade next year and i plan to go to Harvard Law even though its very hard to get in i will try extremely hard. If im going into 8th grade next year and in math im going to be taking Honor's (which is a good start right?) what else do i need to do? i am good in school haven't had a single referral or anything. From next year on i will not miss a day of school or be tardy unless sick (no skipping) to show im focused. Im head of my soccer team (M.V.P) and play volleyball for my school. What SAT scores and gpa do i need in high school to get into University of Florida and what do i need there to get into Harvard? By the way my parents do have the money. Thanks :)

I'm worried that i'll be left jobless now! please help?

I called my manager at P.S. Aeropostale and let her know that I'm applying for other jobs at the mall. But since I work for the Aeropostale company I'm not allowed to work at any other retail store. I gaveher notice and told her that she may be getting calls from American Eagle, Pac Sun, Delia's and Lady's Foot Locker asking for referrals. She got mad and hung up the phone on me since I would have t quit if I got hired at another retail store. Could she fire me for trying to get another job?

When will I feel the side effects of Prozac?

I'm currently on my second day of Prozac and besides being tired I haven't really felt any different. I know that its still too soon to develop them but I've been told it can have quite a few side effects and can make depression and anxiety worse in the first few weeks which makes me a little worried. If I was going to get them when will they start?

Is anyone willing enough claim some free Apple Electronics?

You can also get free stuff thru contests like this a href="" rel="nofollow"

My teacher spits in my face as he is angrily shouting at him and is too close ?

And wen I moves back he is giving more trouble for apparently being disrespectful and cheeeky even wen nt speaking he says I'm being cheeky he makes up lies to put on a referal like saying I was swearing and saying I was playing with my mobile in class so I get into more trouble what can I do about this thnku

What is the Chorus to this song from?

I think its from brazil. I dont know what its called in english but in spanish its called lambada, hope i helpedd

Lonelyness and boredome...?

ive never had many freinds but the ones i do jave are awesome, i have a boy freind and a sister theyre all great i love my mom but when i see mu dad i just puts me down the secon they leave or i have nothing to do i get deppressed lonely and bored and i cant help it i refuse to take depression or sleeping pills or any other kind of non life saving medications how come when im with theese peple i feel great but once im alone i feel terrivle again i love to reed but i can only read so many books in a day ( usually 3max 1/2 of 1 min) i love video games and movies are ok but i hate exercising im supper lazy im fit and ill walk around if i have to but i think me not liking exercise is part of the lonelyness and boredome ?? any ideas on what i can do to not be bored

What is the title to a movie that stared Omar Sharif & Sofia Loren?

I saw this movie in the early 70s and this movie was already old. It was in color. It starred Omar Sharif who played a prince and was traveling, he came upon a saucey peasant woman and asks her to make a certain number of biscuits, she makes them but eats one and the story goes from there. Later in the movie Sofia must participate in a dishwashing contest against other princesses that want to marry the prince. This was an Italian movie. It was done in english and Itialian. I want to know what the title is to the english version.

Trying to regulate my period. Lots of issues?

Me and my husband were all set up to see a fertility specialist and then I called my insurance to see if i could get the referral number to put on my paper work for the fertility specialist. Well they then told me that I can not see a fertility specialist, that its not covered. ( I have CIGNA HMO) I was so upset. I have such irregular periods. I can go 4 months without one sometimes, then sometimes one month or maybe 2 or 3. it is not one of those "irregular" periods that some people have where they get them every 2 months...its NOT REGULAR AT ALL! I also have an issue that i have a lot of discharge and I dont know why and it worries me that it could kill the sperm or slow them down. Also when my husband does come in me he will hold in for at least a minute but as soon as he pulls out it all come right out, i dont even have to stand up i can be laying there. ( AND yes people I know they say it has to come out! but I know that a lot of people it come out over the next few days or even the next few hours, but it ALL comes out immediatley!!!) Its just so frustrating because I now can not go to the doctor to actually know whats wrong with me. My husband always comes in me for like the past year. And nothing... I Just want to know if anyone has had the same experience and what they did and if they go pregnant. or how they regulated their period. I have also read Vitex/ chaste tree berry can regulate you..... well i took this for several months and it made no change in me. I think it may be a hormonal issue because Im 23 and I still break out, I also have irregular hair growth ( like around my nipples and my upper lip) I know sometimes this can be a thyroid issue but i have been tested for that.. PLEASE, someone help me figure this out!!!!

I don't speak Spanish & Portuguese, so I don't know if both song share any similar words in their lyrics?

I can't listen to the songs right now but I know for sure that Don Omar sings Spanish songs. (Sorry if this isn't the answer you're looking for.)

How to cure restlessness?

At night that is, since summer vacation started for me I've been enjoying each day more fully than the last and I'm feeling a lot happier knowing my next years my last in high school but I've been a little over-the-top recently. I can't seem to fall asleep for hours on end and usually I fall asleep at 1:00 am and wake up at 10 in the morning. I've also had recurring dreams of a particular person and I keep thinking about her even if I don't want to, that and several other things are always pestering me even on a subconscious level I still feel the same tension thats there during the school year. It's as though I'm always wound up waiting for something. Anyways I'm thinking this restlessness might have to do with these recurring thoughts and tensions and some depression in the past. Any thoughts, opinions please?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Osama's son mad we dumped his dad in ocean, does he need a beer summit?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Omar Khayyam’s cubic equation type?

This is Omar Khayyam’s cubic equation type: A cube plus squares plus sides equals a number. Represent this as the equation x3 + bx2 + cx = d. This class of cubics is solved by the intersection of a circle and a hyperbola. Determine the equations of the two conic sections in terms of the given coefficients in the cubic equation. Show algebraically that their intersection does in fact give a solution to the cubic. Then translate Omar Khayyam’s proof of his construction into modern terms and compare with the algebraic solution.

I'm just really... Tired.?

If you've had sex you should get a pregnancy test, that's what it sounds like to me, and if it's not that you have to be depressed. Idk what else it could possibly be if it's not one of those, hope this helps!!

Guys: would you mind if a girl told you this?

What on earth would be a problem with that? A woman should be cautious about relationships, as long as she also dates, so that when the right thing comes along she is able to recognise it.

Are recent events in the US between richclass and maids an exposure of how richclass treats working class?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you think of Blake Griffin, John Wall, and Omar Casspi?

BQ: Is it just me or does Omar Casspi bear a strange resembalence to Peja Stojakovic Look wise and Playing Style.

Prozac makes me extremely sleepy and tired, what can I do?

prozac is a light sedative as well as a drug for treatment with depression and will make you sleepy but the effects should have started to ware off by now speak to your dr about this and see what he/she says good luck

In 2yrs time when an American wants to visit Afghanistan; will the Taliban issue them a visa?

It sounds like you assume that Obama will be running things here int he US in two years. Do you think the Taliban will be in control over there after a Republic is elected next year?

How can I focus more on myself?

My whole life I have felt as though I need to help other people with their problems, yet I'm spiraling down a path of depression. I don't show it because I feel it will upset others, which will intern upset other people beyond that. Whenever I focus upon myself I become depressed and go into a self destructive behavior. My friends see me as their best friends and yet I'm in a state of well..nothing. I can't tell my psychiatrist because of this and I feel like I'm letting down the people around me If i even slip up this behavior. Has anybody every been down this lonely road? It's not depression, it's a path of..well normal to me. I feel as though this life as I know it is all an act to get to a greater point in my life that I know will never come.

Best way for my old dad to edit his small business website?

Wordpress, no question. Joomla is a bit of a beast for a novice. Drupal the same. Wordpress can be easily installed and there are loads of free themes. Only download free themes from however, there are security issues with free themes from some other sites.

Is this the sort of thing why Dhoni wants no part of the umpire referal system?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

College- stay at home or go away?

I have the choice of going to college in my hometown this fall or going to a college about 4 hours away (still in state). My parents are urging me to live at home while I go to school. I don't think 4 hours is that much a distance; just enough for me to start becoming more independent. Of course my friends are here and even they're telling me to stay here because they're going to school here. I'm afraid to leave and I think that's exactly why I should go the the college out of the city. I've struggled with really bad anxiety and depression and I'm hoping that going away will help me learn a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. Any advice?

Who is right me or my school administrator?

The problem is, you didn't GIVE someone a pencil. The number of "incidents" leads me to believe you have a self control issue. You're looking, searching for attention. How to change this behavior you wonder? Stop performing in front of an audience. Be a boring kid like the majority of the class. This is not a party.

I have a question about Bi-polar Disorder and my girlfriend?

i know that bipolar disorder can go untreated for many years because it is hard to diagnose. but i know there is mania and depression. i know there are many other things about bipolar disorder, but my girlfriend who i have been dating for a year says she wants to go sky diving, and learn how to rollerblade, and learn how to surf, and do this and this and this, and then LITTERALLY the next day she could be crying and so depressed and feel so low about herself and things going on in her life. it switches everyday or every couple of days and its confusing and hard to keep up with. i love her so much but its tiring and i wish she wouldnt have the depressed days at all. because she is SOO much fun to be around and with and so full of life and have so much energy, then the next day she is the complete opposite. she has told me on one of her down days that nothing in life makes her truly genuinly happy anymore. she doesnt feel like herself anymore. because she used to just have the really high days and not the depressed days at all. can anyone give me advice? is this bipolar disorder? thank you

How can I offer customers to apply for a credit card? (TIPS)?

I work in a bank, and as part of my job referrals is part of it. And I receive "Invite customer to apply for credit card". I invite the customer to apply for a credit card and let them know about the benefits, but I need more ideas. I would like to offer them the invite in a more creative and assertive way. Thank you in advance for the tips!

Are these signs of depression?

I never want to do anything, go anywhere, I don't like socializing. I feel like everything around me is in hd, but I'm in slow-mo and black and white. I cry at every little thing and I'm always either angry or sad. Are these symptoms of depression?

I'm afraid to tell my doctor the truth?

So I've been seeing this doctor for about 6 months now.. He put me on zoloft and it was working for a while. But then it just like stopped working. Completely. I feel the exact same way I did before I started meds. But I keep telling him it's working even though it isn't.. Don't ask why because I don't know.. :/ I feel terrible for lying to him about this. But I'm afraid to tell him the truth, that it isn't working anymore :/ I still have feelings of depression and I always want to kill myself.. I was taking it for anxiety and depression. The anxiety is almost all the way gone, but the depression is still all here.. Should I be afraid to tell him the truth? Idk why I am to be honest.. But how should I tell him? Will he be confused when I tell him it just stopped working? Or is that normal that maeds just stop working like that? Please help. My doctors appt. is soon and I'm freaking out.

How long before another manic depressive episode?

Last year I had mania and manic depression back to back. I'm still recovering and I'm just wondering when I should expect another episode :(

Rheumatoid arthiritis/lupus/spondylolysis…

All of these diseases are autoimmune. This means that your immune system is confused and attacks healthy parts of you by mistake. The diseases are treated with medication to reduce inflammation (which causes pain) and to suppress your immune system so it can't do so much damage.

What can i do?I feel like i hate my life?

Don't know what to do anymore i feel like i literally hate my life,I was diagnosed with agoraphobia/depression,because of this i feel that people are embarrassed of me i hardly get invited out so i sit in my room everyday doing nothing i can't even leave the house without having a panic attack or talk to anyone without having one,I've tried to get on medicine before but the doctor wouldn't give it to me because he says I'm to young and doesn't want to get me hooked on anything but that was like a year ago,so I've been asking my mom to take me back to try again because i don't want to be like this anymore but every time i ask she says she's busy that she can't do it,I'm starting to feel like she doesn't care,so what can i do to overcome this on my own?

Are there any symptoms for enlarged heart?

So I went and got a heart screening and they said I needed to go get a referral because they weren't sure if it was enlarged heart. Although the lady told me its possible I could she also said a majority of people walk out with no enlarged heart. I'm kind of nervous because they say there are no symptoms to it but I just want to know if there are. Thanks.

Is Tony Shalhoub related to Omar Sharif?

believe omar is egyptian descent. didn't know his last real name was shalhoub. tony's parents are from lebanon.

Depressed-I'm young-help!?

I'm 14 years old. I have a great life from the outside: fun parents, nice bf, lots of friends, I seem nice and happy, I could do whatever I wanted with my life! The truth: my parents don't understand me most of the time, I don't like my bf anymore but I would feel bad if I broke up w/him, my "friends" are people that know me- I only have like maybe 5 real friends, I'm really depressed and confused, I don't have any idea what I want to do and I have no real successful hobbies or talents. Sometimes I feel so sad that I want to not be on Earth anymore... But I don't want to kill myself or put anyone else in pain! I'm going into highschool next year and I don't want to. I want to lay in bed for the rest of my life and do nothing... I talk to my mom and it just makes her upset. She suggested therapy but I don't want to talk to a complete stranger! The few friends I have feel bad for me but don't know how to help so they often change the topic from depression or me being sad. I always help people with their problems and I'm known for being all perfect but I hate myself... Any advice?

Why are there boats in the House MD opening titles?

I think it has something to do with the location of the Hospital Princeton Plainsboro in Princeton New Jersey, Princeton University has a famous Rowing Team.

Book/ Novel/ Movie idea how can i get it published?

Well, honestly, you'll have to write it first ! I know It can be annoying, that writing part, but it's part of the job ! ^^ I write too, (but screen plays, I hope to be a movie director one day !) and it's true that sometimes I get discouraged, but you don't have to do it all at once ! Take your time, write the principal ideas, and then develop !

Is there anyway I can sleep longer?

I have really bad depression and it's gotten worse lately, I just want to sleep all day cause I lucid dream and it really helps I really just can't deal with my self right now either. I usually go to sleep around 5am and wake up around 3pm I want to know if there's anything like foods or habits anything that could make me sleep longer.

If you are "moderately depressed" do you really need treatment?

i took an online depression test (actually, several tests) and the result said i most likely have moderate depression. i am aware that these tests aren't completely accurate, but depression does run in my family. my siblings have a more severe depression. if mine really is just "moderate" do i need to do anything about it, or can i just ignore it? that word makes it seem not so serious. especially with all the side effects medicine can come with, won't it be better not to take medication?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fast five (question)?

i recently watched fast five and the end tego and don omar put a bet on the wheel table spin thing. i wana know did they win the bet or did they loose it all ?

How can I help my neighbor's daughter catch up with her grade level in school.?

My neighbor recently asked me to tutor her daughter who is in the first grade. She admits to not helping her alot during the last two years because of a divorce and a battle with cancer . I really want to help the child. I just don't know where to begin. I was able to test her and discovered that she is really behind. Her teacher has been talking about placing her in a Special Education program. However, the principal rejected the referral.

How can I offer customers to apply for a credit card? (TIPS)?

I work in a bank, and as part of my job referrals is part of it. And I receive "Invite customer to apply for credit card". I invite the customer to apply for a credit card and let them know about the benefits, but I need more ideas. I would like to offer them the invite in a more creative and assertive way. Thank you in advance for the tips!

Would any women date someone with a mental illness?

I'm a 21-year-old female and mental illness has never been a deal-breaker for me. If I meet someone who I can have fun being with I'm pretty willing to give it a try and see what happens. As you get farther from being a teenager you have a better chance of meeting people who aren't shallow enough to run in the opposite direction at the first sign of something difficult, or at least that's how it's worked for me and my friends so far.

I can't cope with life anymore, what can I do?

I can't cope with life anymore. My husband told me this week that he is moving out and wants a divorce. I don't know what to do, I feel like I can't take care of myself anymore. I can't work because all I do is cry. I went to work today but immediately was sent home because I'm an emotional mess. I'm a college student with about two semesters to go until I get my Bachelor's, but I can no longer pay attention in class. I'm so scared for the future because I know I won't have a way to provide for all my bills, rent, I won't have health insurance anymore when we get divorced. Even if I was able to work, I don't make nearly enough money and my husband says that he can't afford to help me and pay his own bills. Please someone, help me with this situation. I'm only 26 years old, and this totally came out of nowhere. I'm trying to take a second job, but its hard because I no longer feel like I can function in society. Is there a place I can go to get help with my crippling depression?

Who is a person, a program or a machine?

my videos on youtube has many referrals from this guys, and it seems that he/she like to help out other people on their search. who the heck is he; a person, a program or a machine?

What do you think of this rapper *10 points*?

He is pretty talented. Sadly, with today's current hip-hop preferences, he will probably never make it past underground rap.

My Girlfriend -18- facing Sexual Harrassment from manager -~42-?

She can hire a lawyer to sue him or she can report him to your state work commission. Scumbags like he is shouldn't be allowed to do this type of thing and get away scott free.

Hair causing major problems?

I have naturally straight blonde hair, dyed it last year and have left it to grow out. I have noticed that while my hair is generally smooth and soft, the tips are becoming split and rough. Should i just cut the offending bits off and change my shampoo. If i should change my shampoo, please give a referral. Thanks

Why did Osama bin Laden initially claim he had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks?

If you knew you were fixing to have the world's most technologically advanced military rain hell down on you, wouldn't you deny it too? Once he knew there was no way he could plausibly deny it, he took ownership of the attacks, but he wanted to deny it as long as he thought he could get away with it.

Anyone have ING Orange Online Savings Account $25 Bonus Promo Referral Link? Would like free money! Any left?

I want to open an ING Online Savings Account because of the high interest rate. Heard about the free $25 that ING gives out but can't find any fresh ING links that work. Plz help! Thanks

How to let your school help you with sadness and self-harm?

I've been depressed and now really numb... My english teacher has seen my cry and lets me go outside, and last week wanted to have a word with me after class but I said was fine and she was like OK. Then, she comes to me in lunch time saying if there is anything I can do let me know and made me go to my head of year because i wrote my creative story on depression and how i wanted to kill myself. My latin teacher also said she was always free for a chit-chat because she said I didn't seem to be a very happy person. I sort of regret being resistant to her help now. I don't want to have to ask for an appointment for school counsellor, but I think I now do want help. How, can I get my teachers to help me, and sign to her I'm in need with it with my self-harming issues.

Very forgetful off antidepressants?

Ever since I stopped antidepressants a few months ago, I have been getting more and more forgetful about things. I forget where I'm going when I'm driving, I forget if I have money and how much, I forget to eat, and I work at a stable part time, and yesterday I forgot to turn off the hose and made a small Nile river in the barn area, I forget to turn off lights, close gates, etc which gets me in trouble too. I forget to FOCUS. I drift off into lala land ALL the time, and forget what I'm doing, why I went into a room, etc. It's so bad that when I am switching radio stations, I switch usually only once before I go into lala land and then wonder why I'm annoyed at what I'm listening to. This daydreaming this really frustrating and the forgetfulness is getting to the point where people are getting annoyed with me it feels like. I mean, I was on antidepressants for ten years. Is this some sort of brain damage caused by them? Do I have ADD and not realize it? Did the antidepressants cover that up? I didn't have ADD as a teenager. Anyways, I am also dealing with a lot of things like learning who I am off of the medicine. I was in therapy for 6 years while on the med learning to overcome social anxiety and now that I'm off the medicine I feel like I have to relearn all my therapy because things are new again. I have been trying to ward off depression by taking 5htp and st. johns wort. It works some. I have also been using my therapy skills. I cry sometimes at night, though not every night. My anxiety is worse in situations I would have remained calm in if I was on medicine. Like, this morning when I was at my boyfriend's house getting ready for work and realized I forgot my pants. I live 45 mins away so I got realllyyy upset. I got mad at my bf (I don't know why) and myself and stopped talking. He said it would be best if I just laughed the situation off, called work and told them I would be late, and went home to get pants. But I just shut down and when he walked me out to the car, I was still acting mad and I apologized, bust into tears and cried all the way home, where I called work, told them I was sick and can't come in. I mean Jeez, where IS my head? Then I slept until 3 pm bc I'm so emotionally exhausted and I couldn't think anymore. I am not getting back on antidepressants unless God holds a sign in front of me that clearly says: FAIL. I want to try to live off of medicine bc it made me someone I was not, I didn't care about anything, and had all sorts of crappy side effects even on a low dose. Someone help me with my questions, please? I don't have money to go to my therapist and I miss her. I've been very tearful lately, which I read sometimes happens when you are learning to live off antidepressants. I feel like everything is building up and I need to talk, but I can't. I just know the next time I actually can afford to go to therapy, I won't know how to consolidate everything into only an hour, and I'll probably just cry and won't even know where to start. Help, thanks...

Foot ball decision Help!?

Hi am just wondering my brother Omar is trying to do football but me and my family don't like the idea cause hes not very strong we gave him other options like Soccer Basketball and Baseball but he said he wants to do Football Omar doesn't even have muscles He is gowning to get hurt and have trauma As a brother i have to keep him safe he said he doesn't want to be a wimp anymore he says he wants to be a man and tough up his Friends encouraged him to do it he gets made fun of cause he told his Freinds his family might say no so they started laughing at him So what do you think i should do about it should we just let him or say no Help!

Was Benazir Bhutto killed because she told David Frost that Osama bin Ladenhad been killed by Omar Sheikh?

I always thought radical supporters had her killed because Washington wanted her to take over the government.

Why almost all musicians suffer from depression?few commit suicides?

why music is so closely linked with drugs and substance abuse?why ,have any body cared to do any research?

Is it true that, because of nukes, the number of countries is only going to get more and more over time?

Sudan is splitting up, and by the looks of things, Libya will as well.

If you have a week until you start a newer job ?

If you found out that you have a newer job confirmed in week . It's it still good terms that you tell your previous or current employers as soon as possible without burning bridges an still look fairly good if you need to come back or a good referral . At least you are giving as much heads up as possible .

Can anyone share the video were Bin Laden admits that he is behind 9/11 attacks?

no one can because there isn't any, even the fbi says that there is no evidence to connect obl to 9/11 that's why you dont see anything on obl top ten most wanted pic. it says nothing about 9/11

I REALLY need good advice:(?

I'm currently miserable and it's been this way for months. I used to be some-what happy, I loved myself and my friends, I used to go out and have fun and enjoy myself. About 9 months ago I started dating this guy and everything changed. We fell in love, yeah it was great at first. But now I feel trapped. I find myself SO dependent on him, which I thought was fine because he is also dependent on me. I only hang out with him, and he only hangs out with me.. We only see eachother. I used to be fine with this because I am so in love with him so why would I want to see anyone else...? It never used to bother me until recently. I find myself missing my friends who I rarely even talk to. When I talk to my friends, he gets upset and usually says "I thought all you needed was me." I'm so in love with him that when we fight or get upset, it like kills me. I go into a depression where I can't stop crying, I'm unable to think or focus, I have no appetite, I cant sleep and I have no energy at all. My world collapses until we make up and the fight is over. But while we aren't fighting, I find myself paranoid and scared to death for the next fight, that I will do anything to avoid them. This is why I don't talk to my friends, I can't even update my Facebook photo to a picture of JUST myself, because he gets mad and says things like "You like pictures of yourself better than pictures of us... you hate us. You just want attention." :\ Don't tell me to break up with him, because it's never happening. I wouldn't ever even consider it, so if that's what you're going to say, don't even bother. I feel like I need to talk to a therapist about this or something, because sometimes I just have no idea what to do. I stress out SO much over this relationship, but it's so worth it because I am HEAD OVER HEELS in love with him and I know for a fact he feels the same way about me. I just don't know what to do.

I can't stop thinking of different ways to take my life, please help.?

Okay, so my Dad was diagnosed with Biplolar Depression, Manic, with Psychotic Features. He took his life after 8 years of dealing with it, and I've been depressed my whole life. I constantly cry for no reason, I also have panic attacks around people, and I think about suicide ALOT! I stay in the house, because it's gotten so bad. I can't be around people, or I just cry. I've tried to be closer to God, but that hasn't helped my depression at all. I feel like I'm stuck with all these feelings and emotions because my dad was the same way, and I don't wanna live like this anymore. I'd rather be dead, than live everyday of my life sad and thinking about being dead. I'm only 19 years old, but this has been going on my entire life. and my Step dad and the rest of my family, make fun of me because I act so different, and my mom always tells me I'm just like my dad. I can't even spend time with my friends anymore because of my Depression. I've also ruined lots of my relationships because of it, I'm starting to think I'll never be happy. My life is going completely downhill, and I'm scared, because I can't control this, and I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. Anyone have any advice? I don't know what to do anymore!!

Questions about dog allergy testing?

My 2 year old dog is very itchy. His vet says he most likely has allergies, since his breed is prone to them. We have been to the vet about 5 times telling her that he is still itching and everything she reccommends has not worked. The only thing that worked was a steroid shot, but I have read that you do not want to get your dog a steroid shot too many times. I have been considering going to a dog dermatoligist. The dermatoligist in our area requires a referral from your dog's vet. My first question is do you think that my vet will give me the referral? I know that the testing and treatment will be expensive, but about how much does the allergy testing usually cost? Do you think this is the best thing to do for my dog?

Can someone help me figure out wtf happened?

So when I began middle school there was a cute boy named Noah that rode my bus every day. He was in a grade above me and over time we became great friends. When I hit 7th grade (he was in 8th) and we really liked each other. He sat on the bus with me, waited by my locker after school, said hi and talked to me whenever he could... then Noah finally asked if I would be his girlfriend. I said no though, that I only wanted to be friends (cause my dad's protective and won't let me date) . Even after that we still talked and stuff... then everything just stopped. Noah ignored me completely for months. I attempted to get him to tell me WHY? Why was he ignoring me? Over Facebook one day he told me he was sorry to have done me that way, I said it was okay, but it really left me scarred, Especially when I had my drunk mother to deal with (he knew this) . Noah's wierd actions cause me to spiral deeper into depression, until finally, after trying to form some sort of conversation and failing, I agreed to silence. After a few months, my mom and I were reunited and everything was okay. Except for 'him'. To clean up some unwanted dust, I attended his graduation from the middle school and congragulated him. As soon as he saw me he frowned, though he just responded "Hm, thanks." in a dull, uncaring voice. WTF HAPPENED? After two years of being best friends, Noah left me in the dust at the hardest time in my life.

Can you be born depressed? Or be depressed at a very early age?

I have all the symptoms of depression, and have done all my life. I remember first thinking about killing myself as young as 9 years old. I've never got any help for it, because i'm too pathetic to do so. I'm just wondering what caused this depression? Can someone be born depressed? If it's chemical then i imagine, yes?

My question is about math ?

Omar threw a ball into the Air from the top of a building as shown h=-16t^2+64t+60 is the given formula H is the height of the ball and E is the time in seconds. what is the maximum attitude of the ball?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How can i stop hurting and crying and move on?

I was with my boyfriend for only 3 months but we really fell in love fast, he took me to the nicest places on dates, always bought me flowers, and even talked about having a baby together some day, (Im divorced and have 3 children) He would talk about me and my boys moving in with him and being a family.Just this weekend I was at his house and I was looking for a notebook to write some stuff down, and i noticed he had a list of stuff.. (I later learned it was his AA journal) the list said MY FEARS and 3rd on the list he had written i fear of being gay, and he wrote how he would always wanna be around the guys all the girls liked, and at the end he wrote so what if i am..I told him i read it and confronted him and he freaked out saying when he wrote gay he meant weak, i totally think thats a lie! and i broke up with him, ive ignored all his calls n txts and its killing me!! i need to snap out of this depression,any ideas PLEASE HLP!

In 2yrs time when an American wants to visit Afghanistan; will the Taliban issue them a visa?

lol about 60+% of Taliban fighters have given up to work and get a wage - the rest are being popped off by 1000lb ERS!

Should I feel wrong(guilty) for taking medication for my anxiety?

Listen to the person who has gone to medical school for eight years and NOT your friends. Your meds are working! Don't stop taking them, and don't feel guilty about taking them either.

Amateur photographer--need help pricing baby pictures?

Because this question comes up so often on here, I wrote a blog post on pricing photography here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Career or mental stability..?

hey..i am in my final year bt unfortunaletly had my break up in feb 2011...after dat i kept talkin about my ex to every1..discussing arnd 10 hrs n den it was depression n searching the net for silly topics..n i actd very absent minded infront of my friends saying that i have got OCD as an excuse for gettng low marks...i kept thinking n thinkin...doing nothing..i approachd my ex atleast condition s such that i now fear facing peaople..such low self confidence and wat to do..its my career year..i hav always been a topper..n had high expectations frm maself..i feel like repeating an year and taking up personality development classes or other hobby classes..wat to do??

How is Omar Nelson Bradley and Adolf Hitler alike?

I have a World History project on ww2 and need to know how Omar Nelson Bradley and Adolf Hitler are similar. Please help me. Thanks. 

How do i make money with project pay day referral program?

P r o j e c t P a y d a y was 'all the rage' a few years ago. ALL the kids were signing up for it and spouting off about how they made $2,000 a week using it. Yeah right. ROFLMAO. They are all gone now - no one ever actually got paid. You won't either. It's a waste of time.

My 10 year old bro has plays on xbox live?

hi im james and i have this stupid brother named omar he plays rated m games and my mom and parents dont really care people curse at my brother on live like whenever he talks they say SHUT UP KID if i was on my account they would be gettting their *** kicked my parents are austrilan so they dont know **** about live and rated m gamEs IS a scam...or something like that)!?

I have done the referrals program they asked but it's been almost 3 months now and I have gotten more then 12 (15 actually I have gotten) referrals but they will not responds to my messages or tickets I have open to get my "free" gift. I have take screenshots of everything on my account. These guys are scammers do not do their program! They are tricking you to use you as their free advertiser! Please do NOT use them. I'm going to try to report them to BBB of the Internet and find forms to warn everyone. So if you are reading this DO NOT use them! They go by, and others, they are orangized by a company call I believe. If you don't believe me, email me and I'll send you the screenshots of all the complete deal I have done that they asked of me. Like I said it's been 3 months now they won't responds to me or send me my "free" gift as they promise!

High positioned military officers?

Just wondering. If a, lets say a military officer with the rank of a Lieutenant Colonel dies, and there's a funeral ( hope I'm not insulting anyone, if you take this offensively, then I apologize). Would that Lieutenant Colonel be buried with his pins/ribbons/and medals pinned onto his military uniform? I need to know why because I'm getting extra credit if I dress up as Omar Nelson Bradley for a US History speech, and I just wanna make the outfit as realistic as possible.

I enjoy being alone too much?

Bring a dead body into your house. It will be a friend without all the inconveniences of a live friend.

Could anyone tell me what this sentence is actually reffering to?

It means to follow up with those people who were already contacted by another person "in the field" and are already aware of your product/service. Referrals are people who were "referred" to you at one time or another, and leads are those people who could be potential clients. So, re-contact those people to close the sale.

I am a Soldier and i need advice on what to do...?

You don;t have a commander or a medic? Every mission has to have leadership and medics. They can write a profile. why didn't you speak up at premob?

What disorder do I have, if any?

There are more teenagers out there like yourself, than you believe. The cutting/scratching you describe is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)-- the person with this is obsessed with and, feels compelled to cut/scratch themselves; this is done as a release to supposedly feel better. And you already know that you suffer with periodic depression. The good news is that they have lots and lots of different medications to help both problems, it's just a matter of finding what works best for you. It is, therefore, extremely important that you seek professional help through mental health services in your area. You should ask your parents to help you in this, and hopefully they will. If they do not, I suggest you talk to your school counselor, and seek their help in doing this. You can get the number of the mental health clinic in your area, and try to arrange an appointment for yourself-- I don't know how much luck you'll have with this, but it's worth a try-- and if you have health coverage you should be okay (I think all school age kids have some type of coverage). You could also call the suicide hotline, speak to whomever answers, tell them your problem, and ask if they can help you in any way to get hooked up with a therapist. Again, there are a great many young people your age that have similar (or worse) mental health issues-- it is nothing to be ashamed of. If you do this, get the professional help you need, your life will be immensely better. I hope you will do so, and I wish you the best of luck.

Similar songs to Danza Kuduro and Taboo by Don Omar?

I like the Brazilian beat the songs have and I was looking for something similar, I wouldn't mind if they were Portuguese or Spanish :)

I am looking for a Realtor and mortgage loan officer to work with. Referrals?

I am looking for a Realtor and Mortgage loan officer who is very familiar with and approved by the county for FHA loans and DAP programs for Harris County in Houston, TX. Recently I went through a nightmare of both. I did research and found a list of approved loan officers. I am speaking to one and its been two weeks and she still doesn't have the information she needs? So I have decided to ask the community in addition to going through the list.

I think i have anxiety?

i think i have anxiety. all the hints match up, ive done my research. its either anxiety or depression. im going to go see a counciller soon. i obviously know you cant diagnose me but i just wanted your opinion. i shake when people talk to me one on one, but i dont care if its in a group. i cry almost every day over the tiniest things. i get VERY angry over something soooo tiny. i have on and off thoughts of cutting. i want to tell my mum, but shes one of those mums who will be like 'dont be stupid' i dont really have anyone else that can help, all my other family lives in different states. i need some help :l my friend has seen a MASSIVE change in me aswell, and she knew something was wrong. she thinks i have anxiety more then depression but i know i have atleast some case of either one. please help. and also please give me advice on how i can tell my mum i think i have either one of them. thanks!

What can i do this person keeps making fun of my depression?

this guy at my school keeps making fun of my depression and he keeps saying stuff that i put up on my blog because that is my way of copeing with my depression cause no one listens to me so i put my emotions on there so i can read them and get advice from people around me. the other night he put a comment up saying that i needed a razor blade and that im no man something along those lines but there was more but its too bad to put up here. he keeps making fun of me he tried to front up and threaten me because i told him to piss off now he wont stop the crap what can i do?

How do i get his attention back? I love him?

Okay i`ve liked the same guy for a VERY long time and we flirt all the time in class, but tommorows the last day of school and we havn`t really talk today. Now before i tell you this, we flirt so openly that his girl friend broke up with him and we almost get referrals everyday because of talking. :) He was sitting in the hallway during year booking singing legs locked and he was singing her boobs! for almost an hour, then i went up to him to get him to sign my yearbook and he didnt even sign it, he held it then she gave me and evil glar and drew on his neck. they started laughing again and he just handed it back!!!!! But i know you think im overreacting but they were seously all over each other and shes a slut and no offense but thats almost all guys care about at my age. Ive been texting him and he ignoring me. How do i get his attention back.

Ramadan !! Why love for Prophet Muhammad (saw) doesn't bear such advantages.........?

abu bakr,Omar,Osaman,&Alli (ra) and above them muhammad pbuh . friends of muhammad pbuh who Allah let them the elite of omah. we all love friends of muhammad pbuh because he loved them. and especially abu bakr > he is mentioned in the quran as the friend of muhammad pbuh .

Can you have mania without obvious depression in Bipolar?

Asking this from a relatives point of view. If someone has mania do they always have depression? By depression I mean what the text books describe as depression in Bipolar ie; not wanting to get out of bed, loss of drive etc as after my relative had mania there didn't appear to be any obvious signs of depression. Also, does the depression come immediately after mania like within days or does it happen over a longer period of time. Thanks.

I need help finding which school in San Diego County has specifically "Ultra sound Tech Training" program?

I have been searching for a school that provides specifically an Ultra Sound Tech Program to get certified in two years. Therefore, I need referrals or resources of what schools provide that program in San Diego County? Thank you so much!!!! :)

How does Ebates referral program work?

How does it work? I know you'll get cash back for referring friends and family who sign up through your url and they make purchases over $25. But what I'm wondering about is, will you still get bonus cash back if you refer someone who lives in the same household?

Please Please I beg you would someone tell me what works best for you?

for your bipolar/depression.Please Im at the end of my rope.I have tried Zyprexia,prozac,xanex, and all the zyprexia did for me was make me gain wt.The depression meds seem to work its the medications for the bipolar that seems to give me problems such as wt gain and that is something I can not have.

What is the name of the song played in charleys angels one in the home of the bad guy?

This one was played while the red headed angel was still being romanced by him.It was also played in the everybody hates chris episode called everybody hates english teachers when mr omar dances

Wondering about my daughter's hearing and speech....?

Hey, My son was three months preemie. We went thru all sorts of issues with speech and hearing. I went to specialists and had tests etc done and it all came back clear. However the audiologist refered us to a speech therapist which he saw once a week for a few years. It really made a big dif. as for hearing nothing was done. Unfortunately sometimes especially with preemies things can take longer to progress. I wish you the best of luck. P.s remember no two kiddies ever progress the same :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

I am a sufffering from Major depression and i am free of depression, but these ssri ?

ssri s causing me dry mouth, flushing and thirsty....all of the ssri s or snri s tried are , but still i have problem and i guess this is due to "lower seizure threshold"?..................currently i am on sertraline 150 mg (zoloft), Lamotrigine 100mg (lamictal), frisium 25 mg, and my said that , he would increase Lamotrigine dosage slowly......

Suspended? Graduation Ceremony in 13 days, help!?

If you knew graduation was coming up soon. Then, why did you choose to get on their level. When you know every school has a policy like this. If you fight, you cannot walk to receive your diploma. These kids hurt you with words. You choose to put one in the hospital. Big difference between words, and violence. That kid did not deserve to be put in the hospital. You could have broke his spinal cord the way you beat him.

What songs should i dance to for my Quinceanera Surprise Dance?

a href=";_ylt=Ahtkm2UBlo2BRy2LJaV7g3Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110524213012AAL1JFV";…/a

I am looking for website help (Joomla)?

Anyone willing to help with some website help (Joomla) in exchange for a good referral / testimonial?

Do people deny Osama's death because they miss the thrill of the hunt?

but don't worry my friends, there'll always be another Pancho Villa or Bin Laden. Next on the list is Mullah Omar.

My Cancer Girlfriend, please help?

A cancer girl i kinda dated, but better friends. I used to scare her daily, make fun of her, and scare her some more, and then etc. etc. She would either be pizzy, or happy. Then fake upset, then happy. Haahaha cancer girls are funny. I couldnt date one thou, im tooo much excitment for them.

Where are Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mullah Omar?

The press reports that they are in Pakistan, so my guess is that they are in Afghanistan or Yemen. I want them captured alive and put on trial, to show the world the West can give them a fair trial.

I do not know what to do PLEASE help me?

so this man is with your kids on his own ? i feel bad for you is there any way you can get your kids back? are you trying to? how old are they? it sounds funny your mom was different with you and the others. i figured because you were the oldest sometimes relationships are different when you are the oldest.i worry to some extent about the same thing happening to your kids. i find it hard to believe no one believed you way back. thing is your not a 12 year old keep that in mind. i guess i would try and get myself together and protect my kids. at least make a relationship with them so when you get a chance your not a stranger and if something going on with them you will know but try and get a grip and get them back . i know with your problems it would be hard and maybe not going to happen . so try and be a part of their life best you can.

I think I'm depressed or am I just overthinking this?

All my life I haven't had any friends and it really takes a toll on my emotions. Recently all my former "friends" decided they all hate me. They weren't really my friends because they never hung out with me or even talked to me outside of school. My summer has already been bad because I don't do anything and my social anxiety makes it even harder for me to make friends. I'm trying to think of things to keep myself occupied such as. decorating my room but all I want to do is just lie down and do nothing. One of my only thoughts in the past 48 hours is not having any friends to even stand with anymore. Every time I think about it it hits me even harder. One of my other thoughts is just dying because all hope is long gone. All my hopes and dreams for the future are just demolished. I've found myself eating more lately but I'm not gaining weight because I don't gain weight easily in general. I fall asleep at 2 to 2:30 AM and wake up at 7ish then I force myself asleep because it's just more hours I'll have to be around in the day when I can just do nothing and sleep. I thought this could be depression do you guys think this or am I just overthinking this. Oh by the way im 13, I'll be 14 in a little more than a week.

Why did Benazir Bhutto say in 2007 that Osama Bin Laden was murdered by Omar Sheikh?

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Can i pursue a "patient Negligence" claim on my doctor?

I recently broke my left clavicle( third time now), so i knew it was broke. i made the appointment for my Doctor, to get a referral to an orthopedic doctor. while waiting for that appointment i went to my Chiropractors office to ice and relax. He was kind enough to X-ray it for me. and the bone was obviously broken and the outer bone has plainly dropped in angle and rotated. My Chiropractor told me it looked displaced( gap between the bone ends.) So the day of my Orthopedic appointment i had already bought a sling and arrived at the office. i was put in the room and told the assistant what had happened and handed her the Xray which she put on the projector. A few minutes later the Dr walks in and immediately sits next to me and asks " Well, what do you think we should do?" i told him i didn't know, but had been told it was displaced and since im VERY active, i figured it might need a pin or plate to help it heal. He then told me that it wasn't displaced and just to keep the sling on and i should be able to start moving it within 2 weeks... ARE YOU SERIOUS????? both times i broke it before it broke on the end of the bone closest to my chest. and it wook 6-8 weeks before i could really start using it.... BUT i took his word for it since he is a DOCTOR. EVEN THOUGH, every time i take a step when walking i can feel it moving around. and HE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE HIS OWN XRAYS!!!!!! i mean all i had to do was walk in with a referral and a phony xray and i walk out with a full Rx of OXYCONTIN????? all of this doesn't add up... Especially when i went back to my chiropractor and told him and he IMMEDIATELY told me to go get a second opinion. he said he had been talking to his wife who is also a doctor and they both agreed that 90% of the time when a break happens dead center of a bone, that they put in at least a pin to help stabilize it.. SO can anyone who knows medical or medical legal issues please give me a bit of advice???? should i get an attorney and go for a second opinion. Last time i had an attorney, him and the doctor made off with over $40k, and i was left with nothing but a crappy pieced together shoulder.... help please...