Monday, July 11, 2011

Can i pursue a "patient Negligence" claim on my doctor?

I recently broke my left clavicle( third time now), so i knew it was broke. i made the appointment for my Doctor, to get a referral to an orthopedic doctor. while waiting for that appointment i went to my Chiropractors office to ice and relax. He was kind enough to X-ray it for me. and the bone was obviously broken and the outer bone has plainly dropped in angle and rotated. My Chiropractor told me it looked displaced( gap between the bone ends.) So the day of my Orthopedic appointment i had already bought a sling and arrived at the office. i was put in the room and told the assistant what had happened and handed her the Xray which she put on the projector. A few minutes later the Dr walks in and immediately sits next to me and asks " Well, what do you think we should do?" i told him i didn't know, but had been told it was displaced and since im VERY active, i figured it might need a pin or plate to help it heal. He then told me that it wasn't displaced and just to keep the sling on and i should be able to start moving it within 2 weeks... ARE YOU SERIOUS????? both times i broke it before it broke on the end of the bone closest to my chest. and it wook 6-8 weeks before i could really start using it.... BUT i took his word for it since he is a DOCTOR. EVEN THOUGH, every time i take a step when walking i can feel it moving around. and HE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE HIS OWN XRAYS!!!!!! i mean all i had to do was walk in with a referral and a phony xray and i walk out with a full Rx of OXYCONTIN????? all of this doesn't add up... Especially when i went back to my chiropractor and told him and he IMMEDIATELY told me to go get a second opinion. he said he had been talking to his wife who is also a doctor and they both agreed that 90% of the time when a break happens dead center of a bone, that they put in at least a pin to help stabilize it.. SO can anyone who knows medical or medical legal issues please give me a bit of advice???? should i get an attorney and go for a second opinion. Last time i had an attorney, him and the doctor made off with over $40k, and i was left with nothing but a crappy pieced together shoulder.... help please...

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