Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think I have a Lawsuit?

My Fiancée and I both went to a Verizon Wireless store to get Android phones and a contract. We set everything up and the women at the setting up everything for us kept telling us our bill would be around $160-$170 a month. So we took the phones home and we called Verizon couple times just to make sure that our bill would be that much, and the over the phone representatives told us that it would be a lot higher. So I went back to the store and asked the same woman a few days later, if I could return the phones, and she said yes you have 14 days to return the phones after starting the plan, and that we would only have to pay a $30 restocking fee, but then she asked why I wanted to return the phones, and I said it is too much money for me and my fiancé right now (the price Verizon was telling us over the phone.) So she said they don't know what they are talking about and that it should be what she said. So I said ok and I went home, on the 12th day I received the first bill which was for $380, and found out our bill for our plan which is 1400 minutes, two data plans, and unlimited text, would be about $280 a month. My fiancée and I went back to the store and on the 13th day and tried to return the phones. The same woman said you are too late, that it was past the 14 days, and when I started telling her she told me I had until the 14th day, she made up another excuse saying our phones were damaged when they weren’t at all, we never dropped them or anything, when we first got the phones she dropped one of them once. So if their was any marks, they were by the hands of her, and they gave us an extremely hard time and threaten to call security on us, to get us out of the store. After the painful night, we have been in communication with Verizon Wireless on the phone for almost a month, and they have not been able to help us at all and a few of the customer supports reps were rude to my fiancée who recently has a baby, emotionally depressed where she can't finish her college work or try and find a job right now I feel she could still have Postpartum depression that has been triggered by Verizon entrapment. Due to this whole situation which is hurting our family. Do we have lawsuit against Verizon Wireless? All we really want is to get out of their deceiving contract.

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