Thursday, July 14, 2011

What can i do?I feel like i hate my life?

Don't know what to do anymore i feel like i literally hate my life,I was diagnosed with agoraphobia/depression,because of this i feel that people are embarrassed of me i hardly get invited out so i sit in my room everyday doing nothing i can't even leave the house without having a panic attack or talk to anyone without having one,I've tried to get on medicine before but the doctor wouldn't give it to me because he says I'm to young and doesn't want to get me hooked on anything but that was like a year ago,so I've been asking my mom to take me back to try again because i don't want to be like this anymore but every time i ask she says she's busy that she can't do it,I'm starting to feel like she doesn't care,so what can i do to overcome this on my own?

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