Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I think i have anxiety?

i think i have anxiety. all the hints match up, ive done my research. its either anxiety or depression. im going to go see a counciller soon. i obviously know you cant diagnose me but i just wanted your opinion. i shake when people talk to me one on one, but i dont care if its in a group. i cry almost every day over the tiniest things. i get VERY angry over something soooo tiny. i have on and off thoughts of cutting. i want to tell my mum, but shes one of those mums who will be like 'dont be stupid' i dont really have anyone else that can help, all my other family lives in different states. i need some help :l my friend has seen a MASSIVE change in me aswell, and she knew something was wrong. she thinks i have anxiety more then depression but i know i have atleast some case of either one. please help. and also please give me advice on how i can tell my mum i think i have either one of them. thanks!

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